college applications

Summer College Planning: A Guide for Rising Seniors

With application deadlines on the horizon, the summer months are an opportunity for seniors to map out their college application plan and gather and complete most of the application materials. Here's a comprehensive guide to navigating summer college planning for rising seniors:

The Importance of the College List

The Importance of the College List

Building a college list the student ‘loves’ and a balanced list is more important than ever. While it may be difficult to convince some students to add a few colleges they don’t consider ‘top’ or colleges they may not have heard of before, it is important to open their eyes to the options available to them. When I work with my students, I strive to help them create a list which goes beyond the obvious.

The Decision Season Panic

The Decision Season Panic

As admission decisions continue to roll in, some students are celebrating while others are unfortunately beginning to panic. What has become clear so far this year is that most if not all 'upper level' schools are increasingly difficult to get into and the number of early applications has once again significantly jumped. The unpredictability of it all has become more evident than ever. Highly qualified students are shocked to find out they did not get into their colleges and are beginning to worry that they will not get in to any that they want. While it is perfectly normal and reasonable for the students to be concerned about not getting into their favorite schools, there is a lot which can be done to get these students into a more stable situation during this confusing college application season.

Parenting Your Child Through the College Application Process

Parenting Your Child Through the College Application Process

While helping your child search for and apply to college is an exciting time, you are most likely battling both of your feelings of stress and anxiety on the side. Here are several tips to tackle those feelings and help you and your student along the way.

New Years Resolutions for High School Students Considering College

New Years Resolutions for High School Students Considering College

Most 15 and 16 year olds are thinking about their next game, their latest high school crush, or getting their driver’s license, not about their college plans for 2 -3 years down the road. It seems a bit unfair that they should have to think about such important things at a young age, but that is what the process has become and it is in their best interest to start early. Here are four resolutions for high school students considering college.